Tag: Successful Responses
All the articles with the tag "Successful Responses".
200 OK (HTTP Status Code 200)
HTTP status code 200 "OK" is a success status code indicating that the server has successfully processed the client's request and returned the expected response.
201 Created (HTTP Status Code 201)
HTTP status code 201 "Created" is a success status code indicating that the request has been successfully processed by the server and a new resource has been created. This status code is typically returned for POST requests when the result of the request is the creation of a new resource on the server.
202 Accepted (HTTP Status Code 202)
HTTP status code 202 "Accepted" indicates that the server has received the request and is processing it, but has not yet completed the operation.
203 Non-Authoritative Information (HTTP Status Code 203)
HTTP status code 203 "Non-Authoritative Information" indicates that the server has successfully processed the request, but the entity headers returned may come from a third party rather than the original server.
204 No Content (HTTP Status Code 204)
HTTP status code 204 "No Content" indicates that the server successfully processed the request but did not return any content. This status is commonly used in the following situations
205 Reset Content (HTTP Status Code 205)
HTTP status code 205 "Reset Content" is a successful status code indicating that the server has successfully processed the client's request but does not intend to return any content.