HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Status Code Reference Guide
407 Proxy Authentication Required (HTTP Status Code 407)
HTTP status code 407 indicates that the client did not provide the correct authentication information when attempting to send a request through a proxy server, or did not provide any authentication information at all.
408 Request Timeout (HTTP Status Code 408)
HTTP status code 408 indicates that the server timed out waiting for the client to send a request. This situation usually occurs when the client fails to send the request within the time expected by the server, causing the server to close the connection.
409 Conflict (HTTP Status Code 409)
HTTP status code 409 indicates that the server encountered a conflict while processing the request, typically because the request is inconsistent with the current state of the server.
410 Gone (HTTP Status Code 410)
HTTP 410 Gone status code is a client error response code in the HTTP protocol. It indicates that the resource requested by the client is permanently unavailable on the server.
411 Length Required (HTTP Status Code 411)
HTTP status code 411 indicates that the server refuses to accept the request without a defined `Content-Length`.
412 Precondition Failed (HTTP Status Code 412)
HTTP status code 412 "Precondition Failed" indicates that the server has refused to perform the request because one or more access conditions specified in the request's headers evaluated to false.