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506 Variant Also Negotiates (HTTP Status Code 506)

Updated: at 09:12 AM

HTTP 506 is a relatively uncommon status code indicating an internal server configuration error. Here’s a detailed explanation:

Main Meaning:

Key Features:

Example Scenario:

Client request-> server a (content negotiation)-> server b (content negotiation is also configured)-> loop.

Common Causes:

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 506 Variant Also Negotiates
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 161

    <title>506 Variant Also Negotiates</title>
    <h1>506 Variant Also Negotiates</h1>
    <p>Server configuration error.</p>

Solutions for System Administrators:

Solutions for Developers:

<Location "/content">
    # Correctly configure content negotiation
    Options -MultiViews
    # Set explicit content types
    AddType text/html .html
    AddType application/json .json

Preventive Measures:

Best Practices:

Difference from Other Status Codes:

This error typically requires resolution from the system architecture and server configuration perspective to ensure the correct implementation of the content negotiation mechanism.