HTTP status code 424 means “Failed Dependency.” This status code was first introduced in the WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) protocol. Let’s explore the meaning and applications of this status code.
The 424 status code indicates that the current request could not be completed due to the failure of a previous request.
Main Uses
- Indicates that a request failed because it depended on another operation that was not successfully executed.
- Signals a chain failure in complex, multi-step operations.
Use Cases
- File System Operations: When attempting to move a folder, but one of the files cannot be moved.
- Transaction Processing: In a series of interdependent operations, if one step fails, subsequent steps may return a 424.
- Configuration Management: When a system configuration change fails, causing other operations that depend on that configuration to be unexecuted.
Application in WebDAV
In WebDAV, the 424 status code is typically used to indicate dependency failures in complex file system operations.
Response Format
When returning a 424 status code, the server should provide additional information, such as:
- The specific reason for the failure
- Which dependent operation caused the failure
- Possible solutions or next steps
Client Handling
Upon receiving a 424 response, the client should:
- Understand that the request failed due to a dependency issue.
- Consider rolling back previous operations or performing cleanup.
- Think about retrying the entire operation sequence, not just the failed step.
Example Scenario
const fs = require("fs").promises;
const path = require("path");"/api/folder/move", async (req, res) => {
const { sourceFolder, destinationFolder } = req.body;
try {
// Step 1: Check if source folder exists
await fs.access(sourceFolder);
// Step 2: Create destination folder if it doesn't exist
await fs.mkdir(destinationFolder, { recursive: true });
// Step 3: Get list of files in the source folder
const files = await fs.readdir(sourceFolder);
// Step 4: Move each file
for (const file of files) {
const sourcePath = path.join(sourceFolder, file);
const destPath = path.join(destinationFolder, file);
try {
await fs.rename(sourcePath, destPath);
} catch (error) {
// If any file move fails, we return a 424 status
return res.status(424).json({
error: "Failed Dependency",
message: `Failed to move file ${file}. Operation aborted.`,
failedFile: file,
reason: error.message,
// If all files are moved successfully
res.json({ message: "Folder moved successfully" });
} catch (error) {
// Handle other errors
.json({ error: "Internal Server Error", message: error.message });
In a file system operation example, if any file fails to move while trying to relocate a folder, the server would return a 424 status code, indicating that the entire operation cannot be completed due to the failure of one file.
Best Practices
- Provide Detailed Error Information: Clearly state which dependent operation failed and the specific reason for the failure.
- Implement Rollback Mechanisms: Restore the system to its previous state as much as possible before returning a 424.
- Logging: Record the sequence of operations that led to the 424 status for later analysis and debugging.
Relationship to Other Status Codes
- Different from 400 Bad Request, the 424 status code specifically refers to failures due to dependencies.
- Similar to 409 Conflict, but 424 emphasizes the interdependencies between operations.
Application in Non-WebDAV Environments
While the 424 status code originates from WebDAV, it can be useful in any API involving complex, multi-step operations, particularly in microservices architectures.
- Use the 424 status code cautiously to ensure that it truly represents a dependency issue rather than another type of error.
- When designing APIs, consider how to handle partial successes and whether to provide options for rollback or continuing operations.
Understanding and correctly using the 424 Failed Dependency status code can help developers better manage complex, interdependent sequences of operations. It provides a clear way to express the specific reasons for operation failures, aiding clients in more intelligently handling errors and retry logic.
Related 4xx error code
- 400 Bad Request
- 401 Unauthorized
- 402 Payment Required
- 403 Forbidden
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Method Not Allowed
- 406 Not Acceptable
- 407 Proxy Authentication Required
- 408 Request Timeout
- 409 Conflict
- 410 Gone
- 411 Length Required
- 412 Precondition Failed
- 413 Payload Too Large
- 414 URI Too Long
- 415 Unsupported Media Type
- 416 Range Not Satisfiable
- 417 Expectation Failed
- 418 I’m a teapot
- 421 Misdirected Request
- 422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)
- 423 Locked (WebDAV)
- 425 Too Early
- 426 Upgrade Required
- 428 Precondition Required
- 429 Too Many Requests
- 431 Request Header Fields Too Large
- 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
- 499 Client Closed Request