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417 Expectation Failed (HTTP Status Code 417)

Updated: at 09:12 AM

This client error response code indicates that the server cannot fulfill the requirements defined by the Expect field in the request header.


The server is unable to meet the expectation specified in the Expect field of the request header. The most common scenario is when the server does not support or is unwilling to handle the “100-continue” expectation.

Expect Header

The Expect header is used by the client to inform the server of a specific behavior it expects. The most commonly used value is “100-continue.”

Use Cases

Example Request

POST /upload HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1000000
Expect: 100-continue

Possible Reasons

Server Response

When the server cannot fulfill the requirements of the Expect header, it returns a 417 status code, possibly including an explanatory message in the body.

Client Handling

Upon receiving a 417 response, the client may choose to:

Best Practices

This status code is not commonly encountered in day-to-day web development but may arise when handling large file uploads or special protocol requirements.