HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Status Code Reference Guide
208 Already Reported WebDAV (HTTP Status Code 208)
HTTP status code 208 "Already Reported" is a success status specific to the WebDAV protocol, used to avoid duplicate reporting when handling multiple resources.
226 IM Used HTTP Delta encoding (HTTP Status Code 226)
Error code 226 "IM Used" is an HTTP status code that indicates the server is returning a delta (difference) of a resource rather than the complete resource in response to a GET request that includes an A-IM header.
300 Multiple Choice (HTTP Status Code 300)
HTTP status code 300 indicates that the server has multiple possible responses for the client's request.
301 Moved Permanently (HTTP Status Code 301)
HTTP status code 301 indicates that the requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL.
302 Found (HTTP Status Code 302)
HTTP status code 302 indicates that the requested resource has been temporarily moved to another URI.
303 See Other (HTTP Status Code 303)
HTTP status code 303 indicates that the requested resource is located at another URI, and the client should use the GET method to retrieve it.